Annual Governance Returns Available to View


On behalf of Muggleswick Parish Council we hereby confirm that the Annual Governance & Accountability Return together with the Accounts for the Year Ending March 2018 are available to view :-
Either On line at our website

Or by contacting the Chairman as above or via email at

The Dates for the Exercise of the Public Rights are 1st July 2018 through until 30th July 2018

View the Document

Please see the full document here.

MCPA Public Rights Dates 2018

Welcome to the Website of Muggleswick Parish Council


Welcome to the website of Muggleswick Parish Council.  The parish of Muggleswick is an independent, local authority which is the first tier of local government.  

We are a local council funded by the precept collected by local council tax payments.  We are proud to represent the residents of Muggleswick at a grass-roots level. 

Since the publication of the  Local Audit and Accountability Act 2014 small it has been a legal requirement for local councils to publish  relevant information about the authorities’ accounts and governance.  This transparency code as it is known provides local people with the tools and information they need to hold local public bodies to account.